If you find that you can't log in to Ionize 1.0.7 admin Panel right after you install it, the following troubleshooting solution below may fix it.
Firstly, make sure you have the right credentials and are typing it correctly. Remember that user and password are case-sensitive! If you don't remember your user and password you will need to reset it.
To start, take a look to the following files to fix two issues:
1 - Ionize/application/core/MY_Controller.php
If you are getting the following error:
"Non-static method Theme::output() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context"
then, try to change the code into this file to this:
public function output($view)
if ($this->uri->uri_string() != '/admin')
// Unique ID, useful for DOM Element displayed in windows.
$this->template['UNIQ'] = (uniqid());
$Theme = new Theme();
$Theme->output( $view, $this->template );
instead of :
public function output($view)
if ($this->uri->uri_string() != '/admin')
// Unique ID, useful for DOM Element displayed in windows.
$this->template['UNIQ'] = (uniqid());
Theme::output($view, $this->template);
2 - Ionize/system/core/Common.php
If your are getting the message:
"Only variable references should be returned by reference"
Locate the portion of code:
return $_config[0] =& $config;
and change it to :
$_config[0] =& $config;
return $_config[0];
3 - Fix the loggin issue
When I install Ionize 1.0.7 on my Linux machine, I find that after the installation process has been successfully done I can't log in to Admin Panel and I receive no errors, notices or warnings. So, I used the following trick to do it working again:
Into the file Ionize/application/core/User.php I made the following change :
echo $password . " | " . $this->decrypt( $user['password'], $user ) ;
die() ;
Go to Admin Panel and try to login again, and take a look to see if the two presented values are differents.
If the answer is yes, then copy the value that you see after the pipe character.
Go back to the file Users.php and remove changes made previously.
Try to login again, but use the copied value as your password.
Once you have logged successfully take time to change your password at settings section.
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